![]() Elese talks with Gabriela Maldonado-Montano about freedom from obsessive thinking. Listen to the show here Listen on iTunes
Elese talks with Ami Chen Mills-Naim of the Center For Sustainable Change about the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought and how they work in daily life. A great show on how 'abstract' principles play out in our relationships and our lives and how our awareness of them makes a difference.
Dedicated with love and appreciation to the significant others in our lives. ![]() Aired Live Friday, January 7 If you are ripe for finding focus – even within your current chaotic surroundings – tune in to learn the kind of awareness that creates focus when you need it. For twenty five years, Thomas M. Sterner, author of The Practicing Mind: Bringing Discipline and Focus Into Your Life, served as concert piano technician for The Grand Opera House and operated a vintage grand piano restoration company. This week, Thomas talks about how the discipline required for his career, combined with his interest and study of both Eastern thought and modern performance enhancement psychologies, lead him to understand the source of inner strength, peace and self-discipline, and the value of staying in the present moment. Sterner is founder of Mountain Sage Publishing www.thepracticingmind.com What a pleasure to replay this beautiful show with the late and much missed, Dr. Roger Mills. His heart, his love for others and his work transformed the lives of so many. Enjoy these words of encouragement and clarity as you sit at the family table. Peace begins with each of us. There is comfort here for anyone struggling with stresses over the holiday period. ![]() Dr. Roger Mills, President of the Center for Sustainable Change, introduces you to three simple principles that allow you to take control your peace of mind ![]() Have you ever wondered exactly what you are? Maybe you've heard that you 'create' your life - but how does that work? Howard Falco guests for this radical and eye-opening look at the very nature of you. We explore Howard's new book and how you can powerfully create your life in a more direct and deliberate way in this very moment. Howard Falco is a spiritual teacher and speaker specializing in the power of the mind. He an expansion of consciousness which, over the course of the last 8 years, has lead him to share and to write some of the most powerful and life-changing information on the nature of reality and life. His upcoming book is I AM: THE POWER OF DISCOVERING WHO YOU REALLY ARE. More information about the book and his work can be found on his website: http://Howardfalco.com/ On Youtube you can watch his series "2 Minutes of Truth" Live on Friday, August 20th, 10 am Pacific Listen or download the archive show here After the live broadcast, you can listen via the arrow or right click on the link above and save. (You'll see a blue 'play' arrow when the archive link goes live - usually within a few hours after the live show. Refresh your page to check it. Give us a couple hours to upload the archive after the show : ) ** Also on iTunes! click here More about Howard's book.... this vid is cool!
'Mr. Fix It,’ Ali Campbell is live for an hour of accelerated blasting through all your walls, blocks and stories! You’ve told me you want real change, and Ali gives you a way to do just that. Are you up for it? Ali Campbell is one of the world's leading life coaches; he has built an enviable reputation as a highly motivational Coach, Therapist, Author and Presenter. We’ll be exploring Ali’s book Just Get On With It - A caring compassionate kick up the a** and get past whatever is keeping you stuck. Ali is also the creator of the internationally acclaimed weight loss solution The Slim Girl's Box of Secrets Get to know Ali here and you’ll be glad you did! Listen to the archive showTo download the show you can right click on the link and save.
(You'll see a blue 'play' arrow when the archive link goes live - usually within a few hours after the live show. Refresh your page to check it. Give us a couple hours to upload the archive : ) ** Also on iTunes click here ![]() Eldon’s new book ‘What Does That Mean?’ explores the surprising and yet common ways we overlook the obvious: life’s meaning. Together we’ll look at what Eldon has to share about the ways to understand our values, our relationships to one another, the meaning of violence, coincidence and even love … and the mystery of the mind. Eldon has made a lifelong study of the human mind and for more than 25 years his books, writings and audio programs have transformed lives all over the planet and have brought clarity to the search for a deeper understanding of ourselves and of life. He can be found on www.eldontaylor.com Listen to this show
(You'll see a blue 'play' arrow when this link goes live - usually within a few hours after the live show. Refresh your page to check it. Give us a couple hours to upload the archive : ) To download the show or listen, you can right click on the link and save. iTunes click here ![]() Change your brain for greater happiness and.... This week, more very real stuff on how the flow of thoughts sculpts the brain as europsychologist Rick Hanson explains how to use scientific breakthroughs, combined with techniques from ancient contemplative practices to change your brain for greater contentment, lovingkindness, and inner peace. Plus simple, step-by-step exercises for making the brain and body less susceptible to stress and for calming anxiety. More resources for happiness, love and wisdom on http://www.rickhanson.net/ ![]() Actually the show was called "Tasting Liberation with Big Mind and Genpo Roshi". My goodness, we certainly did that and much, much more. Roshi takes me through the paces, live on air, demonstrating the lastest 'spiritual technology' and his newest addition to the Big Mind Process since his book Big Mind Big Heart was published in 2007. An amazing guest and an amazing show! |
No More Radio Show Archives... So sorry!Boohoo... the radio show source files are lost and no longer play on iTunes.
(The "Listen Now" links also no longer play). My show ran live for 3 years until April 2012 and my heartfelt thank you to all who listened and learned with me. With Love, Elese SHOW TOPICS
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April 2012
Unfortunately all shows in 2008 were lost in an outage at CTR station and can no longer be heard.